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Ten Tips To Attract More Traffic To Your Fitness Website and Grow Your Email List

Ten Tips To Attract More Traffic To Your Fitness Website and Grow Your Email List

If step one of online marketing is driving traffic to your site step two is capturing email addresses so that you have the opportunity to create a relationship with emails˳ You want to create an offer so attractive that a visitor can’t possibly leave without wanting it˳ They’ve found you from your social media ads or a search online˳

These 10 options can all serve you well˳ The trick is to know your customer, know the questions they have and what they would find valuable˳ Then decide the best format for delivering the information˳ You could even combine two or more of these into a package a customer will find too good to pass by˳

1˳ Ebook˳ Compile your information into a word document, make it a pdf with an attractive format, a cover and links pointing back to you˳ In a short time you can have a nice downloadable gift for your new prospective customer˳

2˳ Report or White Paper˳ In a report you create a little more formal written document that includes statistics and up-to-date information about your topic˳ Include your resources, bibliography and potentially charts and tables˳

3˳ Top Ten Lists˳ Create simple lists of most asked questions˳ You can create a collection of top ten exercises for instance, or foods, or cardio workouts˳ These are quick for you and easy to read for your prospective customer˳

4˳ Video Series˳ Make a video series that solves a problem for your prospective customer˳ Give them some at home exercises˳ Give them a series of warm up exercises, balance exercises, core exercises˳ You can find ways to use equipment you have in your facility to tease your services˳

5˳ Teleclass˳ Create a single session or series of several teleclasses that lets customers see what you can do for them˳

6˳ Webinar˳ Similar to the teleclass, but adding the option of using slides or a live screen along with your audio presentation˳ A webinar can be live or recorded˳

7˳ Nutrition or Wellness Profile˳ Load a questionnaire on a webpage for submission by visitors˳ Contact them for a phone or in person recommendation session˳

8˳ Playlist˳ Set up a free download of music appropriate for cardio or relaxation targeted at your audience˳

9˳ Challenges˳ Set up automated emails for 21 or 30 days specifically focused on the goal of your niche˳

10˳ Audio Recording˳ Similar to a podcast, record yourself giving a presentation that you can offer as an immediate download˳

Any of these can take as little or as much time to prepare as you need˳ You may want to keep it fresh and rotate this freebie content quarterly to attract new customers˳ When you do, make sure to send the new content out as a extra gift to people already on your list˳ For them it’s an expression of customer appreciation˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Ten-Tips-To-Attract-More-Traffic-To-Your-Fitness-Website-and-Grow-Your-Email-List&id=8527967

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