Home News The BIG Six Master Mind Group

The BIG Six Master Mind Group

The BIG Six Master Mind Group

In the early part of the twentieth century there was a famous and powerful Master Mind group referred to as the “Big Six”˳ These men were of Chicago and its members consisted of Wm˳ Wrigley Jr˳, owner of the chewing gum business that has his name even today with an income of over $15,000,000 per year; John R˳ Thompson who ran a chain of lunch rooms at the time; Mr Lasker owner of Lord and Thomas Advertising Agency; Mr˳ McCullough owner of the Parmalee Express Company the largest transfer company in America; and Mr˳ Ritchie and Mr˳ Hertz owners of the Yellow Taxicab business˳

At the time of their Master Mind group the combined income was estimated to be in excess of $25,000,000 or an average of $4,000,000 per man˳ Out of all these men not one had any special education and all began without and money or major credit, yet they become millionaires many times over˳

These men began many years before by forming a friendly group that met at specific times to discuss their business, plans and ideas, and to help each other as much as they could˳ The entire purpose of the group was to assist each other by sharing ideas and lending money in cases of emergency˳

Each member of this group became multimillionaires though their harmonious mastermind group, learning to think at a higher level with a common purpose˳

One of the most powerful and strongest corporation of the early twentieth century was the United States Steel Corporation that great out of a single idea from Elbert H˳ Gary, a small town lawyer from Chicago Illinois˳

Gary gathered a special group of men forming a highly successful Master Mind group, the board of directors, who insured the outstanding success of the United States Steel Corporation˳

Look around you for any extremely successful business and you’ll discover a focused Master Mind group called their board of directors, who are working in a harmonious and focused and friendly manner, lead by a strong and competent leader˳

When the leader becomes weak, or corrupt, or uncaring, or the board of directors loose the harmony and focus then the company will suffer and/or collapse˳ Just look at what has happen in the past few years with major corporations collapsing after decades of success˳

Most people look at a successful and wealth person or corporation and believe their wealth lies in their cash, resources, property and inventory; what most people don’t realize is that the biggest and most important item that makes up a person’s or company’s worth it its knowledge and skill in applying that knowledge˳

A mastermind that maintains their harmony, values, and trust could lose everything and still regain their wealth through the power of their Master Mind and accumulated knowledge˳ But lose the trust, respect and harmony of the members of the group and everything is lost˳

Source by http://ezinearticles˳com/?The-BIG-Six-Master-Mind-Group&id=5761365

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