Home News The Business and Government Leadership Rift – Jobs and Political Rhetoric Discussed

The Business and Government Leadership Rift – Jobs and Political Rhetoric Discussed

The Business and Government Leadership Rift - Jobs and Political Rhetoric Discussed

We keep hearing how the President Obama and the Democrats in Congress are going to provide jobs for Americans˳ They tell us that as we switch to alternative energy they will provide millions of jobs, but that is simply poppycock and nonsense˳ The reality is that wind power and solar combined is only 1% of our total usage, and they haven’t told you that it took 3-decades to get to that point˳ The leadership tells us how their stimulus and bailouts will help revive employment, that’s utter nonsense, and let me explain˳

If you will recall the US Government had bailed out Wall Street to re-capitalize the banks and to unfreeze credit markets, but very few banks are lending to small businesses, the real job creators˳ You see, 80% of Americans are employed by small business not large US corporation˳ Still, the President continually has business round tables with big business not little ones˳ Worse, in one recent business and jobs meeting there were no CEOs there at all, actually no small business owners either˳ In fact, no one who’d ever had to make a payroll was there in the room at all˳

Recall that the Obama Administration promised Americans healthcare, an entitlement and still claimed that we’d lower medical costs, insurance, and save Medicare˳ In my opinion that’s nuts, and I say; “what a bunch of malarkey indeed˳” Health care costs continue to sky rocket, an emergency room visit with NO operation is $7500 for only 3-4 hours, most of that is usually spent waiting in line˳ Sure health care insurance can pick up the tab, but that means higher insurance for everyone˳

President Obama’s solution; simple theaten Health Care Insurance companies that he’ll increase regulations and audits if they raise premiums? Catch-22 for them, but that can only work so long˳ A business that cannot raise prises as costs skyrocket cannot stay in business˳ Are we going to bail them out too? And with whose money may I ask? And if we go to a completely government run health care insurance plan, we already know what will happen; they will spend 45% in the administration of the bureaucracy before one dollar is spent on actual health care costs˳ That 45% is pretty much straight across the board in all government agencies, I am not making this up or throwing out numbers from my underpants here˳

And when it comes to trade President Obama claims he is on top of things? “Oh really,” I ask? He claims he will increase our exports three-fold? Sure, our exports will increase three-fold as the global economy returns but our inflows of products will also increase, by more than increase 5-fold˳ That’s just slightly higher than they were prior to the Global economic meltdown˳ Thus, the trade deficits will be a nightmare, and job recovery is wishful thinking˳ The reality is that the Obama Administration [in my observation, opinion, and from my point-of-view] is a complete nightmare to free-enterprise and industry, and utter failure in creating jobs in my opinion [just look at all the charts]˳ Many who were unemployed and whose unemployment benefits ran out have stopped looking for jobs˳

Why? Well, we either made them weak by giving them free fishes rather than teaching them to fish or, there just are not any jobs, they know it and reason that it is a waste of their time to try˳ Meanwhile, small businesses are not hiring to any large degree˳ Again why should they with all the uncertainty˳ Big Parma is the latest to take their production overseas to South Korea and China, and President Obama is going to re-sign the South Korea trade treaty, but why – it has always been lopsided and unbalanced trade˳ How does that help jobs in America?Am I overdoing it here? Am I too over the top with condemnation for the performance of the Obama Administration you ask? Certainly not, and it’s not just me who is stating this anymore, there are hundreds of articles in the mainstream media every day on this reality – it’s no secret˳

You see, I’ve been carefully clipping various articles, real data, and putting it against those speeches and by the Obama Administration’s, Democrats in Congress, and reading the actual teleprompter scripts from President Obama himself˳ Turns out, hardly any of this political rhetoric is reality based, it’s just a lot of PR with very little viable leadership in my opinion˳ No you are not surprised, nor am I naive enough to believe anything will ever change regardless of who gets into office˳ Still, we all know that it’s not working, as we all have friends and/or neighbors, acquaintances who do not have jobs˳

Our current leadership in my opinion is unfit to lead, and these speeches have run their course and are now ineffectual˳ You and I should not be fooled, and so, we aren’t; neither are most Americans, and the best thing the Obama Administration can do at this point is to get out of the way˳ Let’s help them do that, let’s vote them out of office along with all the Democrat Leadership in Congress˳ Please consider all this˳

**Below I put together some reading material for you, so you know I am not blowing smoke and this is not purely a political hit piece˳ It’s just the way I see it, after reviewing the situation˳ Each of these articles contains bits and pieces to the puzzle and the truth, (I say pieces because we all realize we cannot believe everything in the news, just like we cannot believe everything our politicians tell us at the podium)˳ I hope you will do your own research and consider what I am saying˳


  1. LA Times; “Hiring at Small Businesses the Usual Engine of Growth, Sputters” [showing how things are not working as planned]˳
  2. Editorial by Daniel Henninger in his weekly column Wonder Land; “Obama and the Spending Volcano” [a slamming article that cuts through Obama’s teleprompting rhetoric and eloquent speeches]˳
  3. USA Today; “Doctors Limit New Medicare Patients; Surveys point to payment concerns” [shortages in health care getting worse, the opposite of what Obama intended]˳
  4. USA Today; “New RN Grads Feel Squeeze for Jobs – Economy Hits Flow of Nurses in System” [showing how economy is hurting even the industries propped up by socialism and partially funded through our tax dollars, nothing is working]˳
  5. WSJ; “President’s Jobs Push Shifts to Exports” [article shows it’s not working]˳
  6. WSJ; “Politics, Personality Fuel Rift Between CEOs, Obama” [article explains the mistrust, uncertainty, and anger from the business community and low confidence of CEOs]˳
  7. WSJ; “Unemployment Benefits Aren’t Stimulus” [a reality check on Obama-nomics]˳
  8. Wall Street Journal; “Merck to Shut 16 Sites in Cost Move” July 9, 2010 [moving jobs to India for making the drugs]˳
  9. Wall Street Journal; “New Detroit Rises in India’s South” July 8, 2010 [US Automakers, including those who were bailed out move manufacturing overseas not only to sell in those markets but to save costs]˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?The-Business-and-Government-Leadership-Rift—Jobs-and-Political-Rhetoric-Discussed&id=4649726

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