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The Contact Ex Boyfriend Playbook – Winning Back Your Ex Tips and Tricks

The Contact Ex Boyfriend Playbook - Winning Back Your Ex Tips and Tricks

After a breakup, you’re placed in the unnatural position of not speaking to someone who was probably a very big part of your life these past months or years˳ Suddenly, you’re forbidden to talk to someone you saw, called, and laughed with every day˳ Even worse, you might see your ex doing these things with other people, mutual friends, classmates, or people you work with˳ It can be a really painful thing to not be a part of something as simple as that person’s daily life˳

If you’re serious about getting back together with your ex, the first thing you’ll need to understand is that you’re going to be following a long path˳ There’s no easy remedy for a breakup: rebuilding a long-term relationship takes time and patience˳ Throw away your preconceived notions of flying back into each other’s arms after a couple of days, because chances are that’s not going to happen˳ If your boyfriend dumped you unwantedly, the only way to rekindle the romance is to make your ex want you back˳

The beginning steps are always the hardest, and these involve doing two very difficult things˳ The first is embracing the acceptance of your breakup˳ You cannot move forward until you have both feet firmly planted on the ground, and this won’t happen if your head is in the clouds˳ Understand that you and your boyfriend are finished˳ Your dating relationship has ended, and if you want a new one you’ll have to start from scratch˳ Putting your past relationship to bed is a difficult concept to grasp for some people, but the sooner you can accept it the better˳

The second thing is to eliminate all forms of communication with your ex˳ No contact ex boyfriend etiquette requires this˳ The goal here is twofold: to get your head clear and to make him miss you˳ You cannot concentrate on anything when you’re always seeing or hearing from your ex, and he can’t possibly miss you if you’re emailing, calling, or text-messaging him 20 times a day˳ As hard as it seems, let him go˳ It’s all for the good of getting back with him in the future˳

Once you’ve done this, your ex will suddenly wonder what happened to you˳ All guys expect to hear from their ex girlfriends after a breakup… or at least see them visually˳ A guy wants to know what you’re doing, who you’re with, and what you’re up to˳ Even though he may have dumped you, it’s natural for him to care what you do next˳ Not seeing you makes him curious˳

And mostly, he’s curious for one other very big reason: just in case he wants you back˳ Every single guy on the planet who breaks up with a girl wants the same thing – an open door policy˳ Guys like to know you still love them… this gives them security, feeds their ego, and lets them think they can get you back in case they change their minds˳ By disappearing from view and accepting the breakup, you’re pulling that door ever so slightly closed˳ This freaks your exboyfriend out, because he wants to be the one in control of the door˳ Take that control away from him, and suddenly he’s VERY interested in what you’ve been up to lately˳

When this happens, you’re finally at the point where reestablishing some form of contact with your ex-boyfriend will be beneficial˳ This is the first giant step on the path to winning back your ex˳ Making that contact is essential, but even more important is how you make it, when you make it, and what you do when you’re once again communicating with each other˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?The-Contact-Ex-Boyfriend-Playbook—Winning-Back-Your-Ex-Tips-and-Tricks&id=2301676

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