Home News The Mushroom War, the Comet, and the Ice King

The Mushroom War, the Comet, and the Ice King

The Mushroom War, the Comet, and the Ice King
The Mushroom War, the Comet, and the Ice King

The great mushroom war

Video The great mushroom war

So i know the mushroom war is suppose to be some sort of nuclear war that happens 1000 years before AT˳ But if we reference the episode Finn the human, we see that the Ice King (Simon) really only had to stop 1 bomb from dropping to prevent the mushroom war˳ He froze that 1 bomb before it touched the ground preventing the world from descending into a nuclear hell˳ However if only one bomb was dropped or deployed through out the entire war it doesn’t seem to be much of a devastating event˳ One would imagine a nuclear war to be multiple nuclear strikes on different cities, not just one singular bomb˳ So i think there might be more to the mushroom war then many first thought˳

We know that Simon originally finds the enchiridion before the crown, and maybe at the time it was considered to be a huge find˳ Governments may have known of its power to open portals to the multi dimension relm and maybe the enchiridion also held more valuable knowledge of magic and such˳

Moving on, before The enchiridion is donated/ taken by the government, Simon discovers from the book that there exists multiple magic jewels, one such jewel is located in a crown˳ He searches for the crown, finds it and purchases it from a person in Scandinavia and begins going ice king bat shit crazy˳

Now bear with me: what about the famous comet that obliterated the earth? I have a theory for that as well˳ We know for a fact that marceline knew the ice king before the mushroom war because of the episode˳ Finn the Human˳ So in the Episode Simon and Marcy, the earth was in ruin even though the bombs did not drop˳

My theory is that the comet hit the earth before the great mushroom war, plunging the earth into a post apocalyptic world where Simon and Marcy met˳ The weird blob zombies may have been alien bacteria or virus on the comet that infected the earth population˳ Anyways at this moment the government, wanting to reconstruct earth, began unlocking the magical secrets of the enchiridion˳ This eventually led to the discovery of how to build the mushroom bomb, but ill get to this later

Meanwhile this is happening the government discovers powerful and dangerous knowledge within the enchiridion˳ They my have discovered of prismo and may have even discovered ways to create or use magic˳ But they needed ice kings crown jewels to access the secrets of the enchiridion˳ However by now ice king has completely lost his mind and will not give up his crown at all˳ Perhaps the government waged a war on ice king over the possession of the crown˳However the government could not defeat Simon’s mastery of ice˳ So they built the ultimate weapon, the mushroom bomb

I speculate that only one mushroom bomb was created to defeat Simon˳ I also speculate that the secrets to the construction of the mushroom bomb were found in the enchiridion˳ I think the government fused a nuclear bomb with magic to create the devastating mushroom bomb˳ This can be inferred because the mushroom cloud created from the bomb is not normal, Instead it has green skulls and souls pouring out of it as seen in Finn the Human and in Mortal Folly˳


So then 2 alternate realities exist˳ In one alternate reality the bomb is dropped destroying civilization˳ In another reality (Finn the human reality) The bomb is frozen before impact sparing earth˳

Now the mushroom war doesn’t end here, because of the evil nuclear magic released by the bomb, the liches were formed˳ Eventually the magic settles and creates magical beings such as talking fruits and candy people, but there may be more complicated back stories to each species

So in conclusion, I think the Mushroom War may have been a fight between the government and the Ice King˳ This is why we see planes flying over Simon in one episode˳ This is because the bomb was targeted at Simon in particular˳

Bomb is ready to drop on ice king

[submitted by Darvy McGee]

This is a very different theory from the one we normally accept, and very interesting!

We would like to add an idea that we talk about a lot here-we think that the Simon’s influence on the area around him was cause for the bomb to drop too˳ The idea that Simon was at odds with the war is not new, but that it’s over the Enchiridion IS new˳

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