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The Money Secret You Must Know

The Money Secret You Must Know

This life is governed by laws of nature that holds true in every circumstances and in every place˳ These laws are universal in that they work everywhere and in all ages˳ This implies that if the laws are true and work one thousand years ago, they are true and will work now, and they will be true and work one thousand years to come and so on for ever˳ The universe is governed by these universal laws and your understanding of these laws can put more money into your pocket˳ I came to believe that these universal laws holds true because many brilliant students in schools have ended up poor and broke in life while the “dull” ones have ended up becoming super rich in the land of the living˳

I used to ask myself and those whom I can why on earth less intelligent people could be richer than more intelligent ones? Many bodily weak and disable people end up excelling in life and becoming incredibly rich, while able-bodied, strong and seemingly intelligent people end up serving and working for money under those mentioned earlier˳ Is life partial? It is very important for you to understand these things from this very point that there is no partiality in life and in nature˳ Some people believe that what will be will be, but I believe that nothing will be but what you allow to be˳ When I said that in a message to about six hundred people at a gathering in Lagos Nigeria, somebody came to question my authority by asking why some people die in ghastly motor accident, if I claim that there is no accidents˳ I made her to understand that even the motor accident that claimed people’s lives was cause by one or two drivers who were not careful enough, accidents are caused to by the foolishness of someone, although an innocent person may be involved, but there is a cause though not occasioned by the innocent one but cause by another˳ There is no space in this write-up to explain why an innocent person should die in an accident he or she never caused˳ There may have been a remote cause that have its effect in the involvement of such person in the accident˳

The first law of life I want you to examine in this write-up is the law that is called “The Law Of Sowing and Reaping” The truth is this, what you sow is what you reap˳ That is the way life is built by God, you can’t reap where you have not sown, life doesn’t work that way at all˳ You can only get back in multiple returns anything that you plant on planet earth, the Bible says that “As long as the earth remaineth, seed time and harvest time shall never cease˳” This statement from the mouth of God tells you that whatever happens to you is a direct result of what you have done or fail to do˳ Some people call it the “law of cause and effect” and it is true, to every effect on earth there is a cause, nothing happens by accident, there is always a cause, you may or may not be able to see the cause or understand it, but it is the reason for the effect that you and everybody sees around˳ If you are poor, it is an effect of a cause˳ What cause? I don’t know but I can suggest that the cause may be any of the following reasons, laziness, ignorance, lack of strategic planning, inability to see your real purpose in life and pursue it, inability to take business risk, and so on˳

Many things that we think has happened by chance has a remote cause which we may or may not know but there is always a cause for everything that happens on planet earth˳ It is in the understanding of the above point that I write this article to help you see the secret number one for money acquisition˳ If you want a lot of money in your bank account, then you have to cause it to happen; you have to make the effect come to life through a well planned cause of action˳ If you do not do something about it no one else will do it for you, nobody becomes rich by chance, they become rich by careful plans of action˳ If you do not act now, you can never be rich tomorrow, I am sorry but happy to shock you with this bold face truth of life˳ You can be as rich as anyone on this planet if you cause it to happen˳ Riches does not answer to intelligence, race, family, sex, location or any of those things that some people think, it answers to doing what is needed to help other people so that they can gladly release their money to you in abundance and be happy doing it because you are giving them in returns what will help them or make them better somehow˳

Get it straight right now, nobody is better than you, it is possible for you too to become so rich and successful that the whole world can celebrate you now, all you need to do is believe in yourself and do something about your money matter that will cause money to be continually magnetized to your bank account with little stress˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?The-Money-Secret-You-Must-Know&id=5246195

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