Home News The Most Common Mobile Application Development Tools

The Most Common Mobile Application Development Tools

The Most Common Mobile Application Development Tools

Mobile Application Development has been defined as one of the leading technical advancements in the present world˳ Developing a mobile app depends on various factors- the budget, the customers, and the demand for a specific app˳ From a mobile app developer’s perspective the budget and knowledge of a programming language can decide its success˳ These are few commonly used App developing tools and some tools used by the traditional web programmers˳

Some of the most advanced Mobile Application Development tools

Apple iOS Developer Program- Developers who wants to create iPhone apps need to register with the Apple’s Developer Program and an annual fee of $99 is charged for the program˳ Once registered, the user can develop applications using the programming language- Objective C˳ The Apple Development Center consists of tools, guides, and run debug tests for building apps of any purpose˳

Android OS program- Most of the Android based apps are created using Java programming language˳ By downloading the Android SDK (Software Development Kit) the user can start on building new apps for Android˳ The Android based starter kit consists of sample projects, development tools, source code, and an emulator, which is used to test the new app˳ One can gain more information on Android app development from the available videos, technical articles, and step-by-step process docs˳ The Android developer registration charges include a one-time fee of $25˳

BlackBerry OS Developer program- the apps on a BlackBerry OS is mainly developed using Java Micro Edition (ME) programming language˳ An authorized BlackBerry App developer needs to pay an amount of $200 for every 10 apps they submit˳ Although, waiver plans are constantly offered as a part of their promotions˳

Some of the most known App Development Tools used by Traditional Web Programmers

Appcelerator Titanium- One of the most common and renowned tool for building apps for the Apple iOS and Google Android OS˳ It has the Titanium SDK and creates programs using CSS, HTML or JavaScript code unlike using new programs like Objective-C or Java˳ The developer can download and create apps for free from the Titanium Community, which also hold a Professional and Enterprise version as well˳

MotherApp- Mother App builds apps for Apple, Google Android, BlackBerry, and all other mobile platforms˳ The Programmer need not be proficient in various languages instead he can learn the specific MotherApp HTML code for creating apps˳ The MotherApp HTML code is a subset of the HTML with special markdown tags˳ These tags are send in code to the MotherApp and it builds app is ready for use˳

PhoneGap- PhoneGap develops apps with the standard HTML, CSS, or JavaScript˳ The developer writes the code later upload it and other files to PhoneGap Build services˳ PhoneGap is presently supports Android, Palm, and BlackBerry OS˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?The-Most-Common-Mobile-Application-Development-Tools&id=7075869

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