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Fully vaccinated to prevent infectious diseases for children and adults

Fully vaccinated to prevent infectious diseases for children and adults

On June 15, Tuoi Tre newspaper, with the companionship of VNVC vaccination system, held a seminar on “Sufficient vaccination against infectious diseases for children and adults”˳

Fully vaccinated to prevent infectious diseases for children and adults - Photo 1.

Seminar on full vaccination against infectious diseases for children and adults was organized by Tuoi Tre newspaper, with the companionship of VNVC – Photo: DUYEN PHAN

At the seminar, Assoc˳ Prof˳ TS˳BS Tran Dac Phu – former director of the Department of Preventive Medicine – said: “I highly appreciate the reporting˳ Youth organized this discussion˳

Vaccines help reduce many infectious diseases thousands of times

Fully vaccinated to prevent infectious diseases for children and adults - Photo 2.

Assoc˳ Prof˳ TS˳BS Tran Dac Phu – former director of the Department of Preventive Medicine (Ministry of Health) – Photo: DUYEN PHAN

Mr˳ Dac Phu said: “I have been working on prevention since 1986 and have been following it until today˳ Therefore, it is clear that vaccine development is the most important achievement of the medical profession˳

Thanks to the vaccine, we have eradicated smallpox since 1980, now there is not a single case of smallpox in the world˳

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Vietnam also eliminated polio in 2000 on a national scale˳

And so many diseases that thanks to vaccines and the Expanded Immunization Program have been reduced by hundreds to thousands of times compared to before˳”

Mr˳ Phu has witnessed so many diseases that every morning he goes to the hospital’s infectious disease department, but now there are only a few cases a year˳

“Measles is a disease that almost everyone in our generation has˳ Only the next generation with vaccination will not get measles˳ With measles, once vaccinated, immunity is very stable …

Thanks to vaccines, many serious diseases become mild or completely eliminated˳

Thus, we believe that the very important point of vaccination is that vaccination is expanded to prevent serious but not universal diseases˳

I also resolutely defend the vaccine service, people have to pay, but people have the need to access it because public health can’t afford it, only partly because of funding problems,” Mr˳ Phu emphasized˳ ˳

Fully vaccinated to prevent infectious diseases for children and adults - Photo 4.

Actress Ngoc Lan self-identifies as a “vaccine maniac” – Photo: DUYEN PHAN

Vaccinate on time, on the right day to be effective

Present at the talk show, actress Ngoc Lan said that she is a very believer in vaccination, so far she has received 4 doses of COVID-19 vaccine˳

She researched carefully about vaccines before preparing to become a mother˳ “As soon as I was about to become a mother, I learned about the benefits of vaccines for children, if a person lacks vaccines in the womb, they will bring back sad stories˳ Especially when vaccinating children must have to Pay attention to inject on time, on the right day to achieve the effect “- actress Ngoc Lan said˳

At the same time, actress Ngoc Lan recognized the important role and influence of celebrities in accessing vaccines, especially in conveying vaccination stories to remote areas˳

Fully vaccinated to prevent infectious diseases for children and adults - Photo 5.

Athlete Le Van Cong (right) and swimmer Nguyen Thi Sari (left) participate in the seminar – Photo: DUEN PHAN

Le Van Cong – the first Vietnamese athlete to win a Paralympic gold medal and set a world record in weightlifting for the disabled – shared that during his pregnancy, his mother unfortunately contracted the disease˳ dengue fever and left a sequelae that caused his legs to atrophy, this sequelae carried with him for the rest of his life˳

Aware of the important role in vaccination, he has so far tried to get his two children fully vaccinated˳

In addition to the vaccines in the Expanded Immunization Program, Mr˳ Cong also regularly takes his children to receive other vaccinations˳

At the talk show, fisherman Nguyen Thi Sari said that she was born in Long An, when she was young, her family saw that her neighbors had children after being vaccinated with fever and her family had not vaccinated her˳ Unfortunately, when the event struck, she contracted polio and left a lifelong legacy˳

From her situation, hoping that her children are not as disadvantaged as her mother, fisherman Nguyen Thi Sari is aware of adequate vaccinations for her children such as polio, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B vaccines…

Fully vaccinated to prevent infectious diseases for children and adults - Photo 6.

MC Xuan Hieu – Photo: DUYEN PHAN

And MC Xuan Hieu said that she now has 5 children˳ Right from the moment of marriage and having the first baby, I have been very interested in vaccinating children˳

She tries her best to give her children a chance to get vaccinated˳ MC Xuan Hieu upholds the responsibility of parents to prevent illness for their children˳

Fully vaccinated to prevent infectious diseases for children and adults - Photo 7.

Journalist Phan Kim Son – Master of Science Communication, Lecturer in Creative Communication Faculty of Nguyen Tat Thanh University – Photo: Phuong Quyen

Journalist Phan Kim Son, in his 25 years as a journalist, has always given priority to infectious diseases, always urging people to get vaccinated˳

Thanks to the opportunity to work with infectious diseases hospitals such as the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Ho Chi Minh City, seeing that poor people spend a lot of money on tetanus shots, they need to be mechanically ventilated, pneumonia, and infection˳ a lot of money up to several hundred million˳

Bringing vaccines to everyone

Fully vaccinated to prevent infectious diseases for children and adults - Photo 8.

Mr˳ Phan Huy Khoi – Deputy Director of Communications VNVC Vaccination System – Photo: DUYEN PHAN

Mr˳ Phan Huy Khoi, deputy director of communications for the VNVC Immunization System, said that communication about vaccines plays a very important role for the people, but the most important thing is to be right˳

I have to say how to make it easy for people to understand and build trust to spread to everyone˳

Fully vaccinated to prevent infectious diseases for children and adults - Photo 9.

Bach Thi Chinh – Medical Director of VNVC Immunization System – Photo: Phuong Quyen

Bach Thi Chinh, medical director of the VNVC Immunization System, said that the system has tried to increase the number of vaccination points to remote and isolated areas, so far with 113 vaccination centers in 47 provinces, the motto of the system˳ The tradition is to make vaccines available to all Vietnamese people, not only in urban areas but also in rural areas˳

VNVC is providing 40 vaccines against 50 infectious diseases˳ Each vaccination center has a cold storage facility meeting the standards of the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization to preserve vaccines˳

Besides, VNVC has 4 large cold storages nationwide in Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, and Hanoi, with a capacity of 3 million doses of vaccine and the desire to bring effective and safe vaccines to people˳ The vaccine preservation process must be strict, ensuring the quality of vaccination for the people˳

“The VNVC Immunization System will always accompany the State’s Expanded Immunization Program to bring vaccines to the people˳ Vaccination points are always open all week long for people to access vaccines in a timely manner˳ the easiest”, Ms˳ Chinh informed˳

There is a serious shortage of expanded vaccination, what does the Ministry of Health say?There is a serious shortage of expanded vaccination, what does the Ministry of Health say?

An expanded vaccine is in short supply˳ Next June, the Ministry of Health will issue an official document proposing the number of vaccine orders and the expected time for how long the locality will receive the vaccine˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/tiem-vac-xin-day-du-de-phong-benh-truyen-nhiem-day-du-cho-tre-em-va-nguoi-lon-20230615120551063˳htm

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