Home News Tips to Avoid Food Poisoning

Tips to Avoid Food Poisoning

Tips to Avoid Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is a blanket term that refers to a number of health issues caused by bacterial infections, viruses, and parasites that you can ingest with your food˳ Doctors say that you actually get food poisoning more often than you think; they purport that every time you have diarrhea lasting longer than 24 hours, it is actually a food-borne illness and not just a “stomach bug˳” Food poisoning can easily be avoided if you prepare your food correctly and safely˳ This article will outline some tips to help keep you and your loved ones healthy and safe˳

There are a number of ways in which food products can become carriers for organisms and viruses that cause all of the health problems associated with food poisoning˳ Symptoms of food poisoning are typically nausea and diarrhea, but it can even cause fever, muscle fatigue, and paralysis in the more extreme cases˳

When you are preparing food at home, there are a number of steps that you can take to avoid sickening yourself and your loved ones˳ Here is a quick look at methods you can adapt to protect yourself from catching these food-borne illnesses˳

Botulism˳ The bacterial called botulism usually comes from canned goods˳ Therefore, be sure to not store food in cans once you have opened them˳ It is much smarter to switch the leftovers into a plastic container or plastic bag to keep botulism from growing in it˳ Also, as botulism may come on fresh foods like tomatoes and peppers, keeping these produce items refrigerated can help you˳ Additionally, serve the food still warm from its preparation˳

Salmonella˳ Salmonella is another type of harmful bacteria that you can ingest˳ It tends to appear in raw items, such as eggs, meat, and unpasteurized milk˳ Therefore, make sure that you cook your foods thoroughly, and stay away from foods that have “hidden” raw ingredients, such as raw eggs in Caesar salad dressing˳ Also, salmonella is easily transferable from item to item, so try not to cross-contaminate while cooking˳ Use one cutting board and knife for meat, and another for your vegetables˳

Marine Toxins˳ Seafood and other marine products can contain bacteria and chemicals that cause food poisoning˳ Of course, the best way to protect yourself from marine toxins is to avoid eating raw seafood˳ However, you can probably still enjoy your sushi, as long as you stay away from barracuda and fish and shellfish used as bait˳ Also, pay attention to algal blooms in your area if you are getting local seafood˳ Red tides and dinoflagellate growths can contaminate your food as well˳

These are just a few of the causes of food poisoning˳ To protect yourself from other types of bacteria, viruses, and parasites, you can make sure to wash your food thoroughly, cook it completely, and avoid cross-contamination˳

However, you cannot always avoid food poisoning, especially from restaurants˳ If you believe that you have suffered from a food-borne illness, you should seek legal counsel˳ For more information on food poisoning and other types of personal injury, check out Austin lawyer Vic Feazell today˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Tips-to-Avoid-Food-Poisoning&id=2757450

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