Home Health Children under 5 years old can take vitamin A for the first...

Children under 5 years old can take vitamin A for the first time from day 1 to 6

Children under 5 years old can take vitamin A for the first time from day 1 to 6

The Ministry of Health organizes the first phase of vitamin A supplementation campaign for children starting from International Children’s Day 1-6, which is also the Day of Micronutrients˳

Children under 5 years old can take vitamin A for the first time from June 1 to June - Photo 1.

The Ministry of Health organizes the first campaign of vitamin A supplementation in 2023 for children, starting from International Children’s Day 1-6 – Documentary photo

US-aided source of vitamin A

The Ministry of Health has just issued a notice of the first nationwide campaign of vitamin A supplementation in 2023 for children from 6 months to 4 years and 11 months˳

The campaign will be held nationwide, in which in 22 difficult mountainous provinces, each child from 6 months to 4 years and 11 months will receive 1 dose of vitamin A, children from 2 years old to 4 years and 11 months will receive regular deworming˳ ˳

In the remaining 41 provinces and cities, children from 6 months to 2 years and 11 months are given 1 dose of vitamin A˳

The source of pharmaceuticals used in the campaign is supported by the Vitamin Angel Foundation – USA˳

On May 27, the Ministry of Health issued Official Letter No˳ 3232/BYT-BMTE sent to localities to organize a campaign to guide provinces and cities to organize a campaign for children to take vitamin A capsules to end their pregnancy˳ in accordance with the periodical deworming phase 1 in 2023˳

  • While taking a high dose of vitamin A, what should parents pay attention to to avoid an overdose?

The Ministry of Health said that vitamin A plays an important role in the health and comprehensive development of children˳ Every year, the ministry organizes a campaign to supplement high-dose vitamin A for more than 6 million children between the ages of 6 months and 4 years and 6 months on a national scale (there are 2 times a year: the first in June; and the second in June; and 2 in December)˳

In these campaigns, children of this age were given high-dose vitamin A capsules˳ In recent years, vitamin A supplementation campaigns helped Vietnam to eradicate blindness caused by vitamin A deficiency in 2000, which is a huge achievement˳

To prevent micronutrient deficiency, besides the short-term solution is taking supplements of micronutrient products (such as high-dose vitamin A capsules, multi-micronutrient tablets…), using foods fortified with micronutrients nutrition, the long-term and fundamental solution is to improve meal quality˳

City˳ Ho Chi Minh used to lack supply of vitamin A

Previously, on April 27, the Drug Administration of Vietnam (Ministry of Health) received Official Letter No˳ 3133/SYT-NVD from the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City on the lack of supply of single-component vitamin A drugs (refer to short for vitamin A) for health plan use˳

From 2023, localities must actively develop vitamin A procurement plans from local funds or from national target programs that have been allocated to localities˳

However, at this time, there are only 3 vitamin A drugs (content of 5,000 IU) with valid circulation registration certificates in Vietnam˳ The Drug Administration of Vietnam recommends that drug manufacturers and drug importers strengthen research, production, sourcing and import of vitamin A drugs in general and high-dose vitamin A (contents of 100,000 IU and 200,000 IU) to fund the health plan˳

Communication message for Micronutrients Day 2023

Micronutrients are essential for growth, development of physical strength, stature and intelligence, improving health and resistance of the body˳

To prevent micronutrient deficiency, everyone, every family should do:

1˳ Daily meals need to be diverse and combine many foods, choose and use foods fortified with micronutrients˳

2˳ Early breastfeeding within 1 hour after birth˳ Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months; Breastfeeding children up to 2 years of age or longer˳

3˳ Use locally available micronutrient rich foods for children’s daily supplementary meals; add fat or cooking oil to enhance the absorption of vitamin A and vitamin D˳

4˳ Give vitamin A to children of the age group twice a year˳

5˳ Children from 2 years old to 4 years old 11 months need to take deworming medicine twice a year˳ Implement food hygiene, personal hygiene, and environmental hygiene to prevent infection with worms and flukes˳

6˳ Women of childbearing age, pregnant women need to take iron/folic acid tablets or multi-micronutrient tablets as directed˳

Please take children of age to take vitamin A according to the instructions of the commune/ward health station˳

Ministry of Health

Ho Chi Minh City received vitamin A, started giving it to children from December 19 to 30Ho Chi Minh City received vitamin A, started giving it to children from December 19 to 30

TTO – On the evening of December 9, the Center for Disease Control of Ho Chi Minh City announced that the unit had received a source of vitamin A medicine after more than a week without the drug, so it had to be postponed for children˳ The mass vitamin A supplement campaign in Ho Chi Minh City will take place from December 19 to 30˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/tre-duoi-5-tuoi-duoc-uong-vitamin-a-dot-1-tu-ngay-1-6-20230528140903653˳htm

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