Home Health Drink detox vinegar, lose weight – a new dangerous trend is back?

Drink detox vinegar, lose weight – a new dangerous trend is back?

Drink detox vinegar, lose weight - a new dangerous trend is back?

Many people have been hospitalized because of the fruit vinegar detox trend to lose weight, purify the body, detox, reduce fat and improve health˳

Drink detox vinegar, lose weight - a new dangerous trend is back?  - Photo 1.

Stomach pain because of drinking vinegar to lose weight – BSCC photo

Haven’t seen weight loss, I’ve seen the hospital

Recently, 108 Military Central Hospital has given emergency treatment to a patient with severe stomach bleeding˳ That is Nguyen Thuy Dung (25 years old, Hanoi)˳ Dung is 1m55 tall, weighs more than 60kg˳ Always guilty of her “bread” body, she has repeatedly determined to lose weight, even trying to practice yoga and diet, but the weight still cannot be reduced˳

Learning from experiences from online beauty groups, Dung believes that she can lose weight thanks to vinegar because it is cheap, doesn’t take much time, and is considered “very effective” by everyone˳

Dung said it was a bit difficult to drink at first, but gradually got used to it, she used vinegar instead of filtered water and often used it before meals˳ After 15 days, she lost 3kg, this result made her very excited˳

Thinking that drinking vinegar was really effective, Dung continued to drink˳ After 20 days, severe abdominal pain began with a dense frequency, accompanied by loss of appetite, dizziness, and dizziness˳ The climax is vomiting blood and cyanosis of the face˳ The family took Dung to the emergency room, the doctor concluded that she had stomach bleeding and gastric antrum appeared a large ulcer˳

When asked by the doctor about her daily diet, regularly using alcohol or other high-acid favorites, Dung immediately thought of drinking vinegar˳

The doctor asked her to stop drinking vinegar immediately, combined with active treatment˳ If you continue to drink vinegar, your health will get worse˳ So after being discharged from the hospital, besides losing 3kg, Dung was also “promoted” for more diseases stomachache chronic˳

Similarly, Ms˳ Ha Thi Dan (51 years old, Ha Trung, Thanh Hoa) has been obese for many years at grade 2 and has comorbidities such as diabetes and blood fat˳ She was given a jar of vinegar tea by a relative, which is known to have a panacea, improve blood fat, diabetes, fatty liver … and has the effect of supporting weight loss˳

Hearing this effect, she was extremely excited and used it in the morning, evening and before meals˳ Unexpectedly 10 days later, she suddenly had severe abdominal pain, began to eat less and fell into a state of weakness, yellow skin˳ After going to the doctor, the results showed that she had severe stomach ulcers, stomach congestion due to drinking vinegar tea to lose weight˳

Assoc˳ Prof˳ Dr˳ Nguyen Anh Tuan, deputy director of the Institute of Digestive Surgery, 108 Military Central Hospital, said that losing weight by drinking vinegar has no scientific basis and does not follow the instructions of a specialist doctor˳ subject˳

The fact that the sisters spread their own weight loss experiences is said to be extremely effective˳ And the end result is a serious health impact, not only at the time of implementation, but the consequences can last for a lifetime˳

Drinking vinegar can help with weight loss because it helps control blood sugar levels and inhibits fat absorption˳ However, if vinegar is used too much or for a long time, it can affect the health of the stomach˳

Drinking too much vinegar can cause discomfort, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and affect digestive function˳ In addition, vinegar has acidic properties, which can damage the stomach lining if used in excess or used for a long time˳

Loading harmful food into the body is killing yourself

Doctor Tuan said the losing weight improperly, self-loading harmful foods into the body is killing yourself˳ He analyzed that vinegar is acetic acid, when put into the body in large quantities, regularly will cause the stomach and intestinal tract to be corroded˳

It also kills digestive enzymes, making people no longer feel like eating˳ Depending on the person who drinks a little or a lot, there are different levels of poisoning˳ But in general, the harms can be clearly seen as debilitating, affecting the nervous system, damaging the stomach, lungs …

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“It is not possible to look at the immediate effects when losing a few pounds to evaluate the effectiveness of this method, the consequences can last for a lifetime˳ When drinking vinegar to lose weight, it will erode the stomach, intestinal tract, destroy the beneficial bacteria that make the body no longer want to eat, the ability to absorb nutrients is reduced or completely lost˳

So weight is lost, but this weight loss is often associated with disease˳ From then on, chronic diseases can be left for life˳ I used to treat many people who suffered from gastric perforation because of weight loss with vinegar,” said Mr˳ Tuan˳

Doctor Tuan recommends that if you want to use vinegar to lose weight, you should use it in small doses and properly˳ You should also drink vinegar after eating or dilute vinegar with water before drinking to minimize side effects on the stomach˳ If you have a medical condition or are taking medication, you should consult your doctor before using vinegar˳

Years ago a lot of people used vinegar for weight loss purposes and were warned how dangerous the method was˳ Recently, social networks began to appear clips showing how to use detox apple cider vinegar˳

Notably, there is a clip of Kols that has many followers, the risk that the trend of drinking vinegar to lose weight will return and the above dangerous cases are not the last˳

Some cases absolutely do not use vinegar to lose weight:

– Are taking medicine to cure disease because there are some drugs that are easy to crystallize in the acidic environment of vinegar, which will harm the kidneys˳

– People who are suffering from bone damage, if using vinegar, it will make the damaged bones heal for a long time, scarring and pain˳

– People with gallstones when drinking vinegar will make the gallbladder stimulate, contract, create pain˳

– Patients with stomach ulcers, if they drink vinegar, it will make the disease worse˳

WHO warns against using artificial sweeteners to lose weightWHO warns against using artificial sweeteners to lose weight

These dietary products do not help reduce body fat in the long run, but instead are associated with a higher risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/uong-giam-detox-giam-can-trao-luu-nguy-hiem-moi-tro-lai-20230518074405004˳htm

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