Home Health Still condom and… still pregnant

Still condom and… still pregnant

Still condom and... still pregnant

Men often use condoms as a method of contraception, but the survey shows that a significant proportion are using it incorrectly, still using a condom and still getting pregnant˳

A doctor examines and advises a patient - Illustration: BSCC

A doctor examines and advises a patient – Illustration: BSCC

Ms˳ PTT, 30 years old, living in Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City said that every time she and her husband get close, her husband uses condoms˳ However, recently she suddenly found out she was pregnant˳

Always use condoms, why get pregnant?

At first, Ms˳ T˳ thought she might be a few days late for her period˳ Waited forever, still no, she took a quick pregnancy test and immediately saw two lines˳ The doctor also confirmed that she was 7 weeks pregnant˳

When Ms˳ T˳ announced this news to her husband, her husband was also surprised˳ Not only that, he also seemed unhappy and constantly asked, “If you use a condom every time, how can you get pregnant?”˳ At one point, he even uttered the sentence: “That’s ridiculous”, making Ms˳ T feel like she was being questioned˳

Ms˳ T˳ wants to keep the baby to give birth because she and her husband only have a 4-year-old girl, but her husband doesn’t want to˳ You just use the excuse as economic conditions do not allow, wait for the baby to be stronger…

Pregnancy is supposed to be good news, parents should welcome the baby with joy˳ But T˳’s husband is not happy, even always angry with the question: “Why have you used contraception but still have children?”˳ He did not want the baby to be born˳ In order to keep the family warm, Ms˳ T finally decided to terminate the pregnancy!

Doctor Nguyen Tan Phat, head of family planning department at Hung Vuong Hospital (HCMC), said that many couples or wives come to the family planning department with the reason that they want to have an abortion˳ ˳ Among them, there were people who told the doctor that the husband had used a condom but somehow the wife was still pregnant˳

Some wives also confessed that the husband was suspicious because he thought he used a condom every time he had sex with his wife˳ Because of this “problem”, many husbands did not agree to let their wives have children in this unplanned pregnancy, or because they already had enough desired children, the couple did not want to have children anymore˳

According to Dr˳ Phat, if using the right quality condoms, the rate of contraception is very high˳ “Condom is like a bag that covers all “guns”, nothing can come out to get pregnant,” said Dr˳ Phat˳

Among men and their wives who come to the family planning department of Hung Vuong Hospital for advice on methods of contraception or abortion, up to 70% of men use condoms incorrectly˳ When asked by doctors how they used to wear condoms, these people shared that when they wanted to ejaculate, they started wearing condoms˳

Doctor Phat thinks it is wrong to wear condoms at this time˳ Because, before ejaculation in the prostate gland has ejaculated, so a woman can still get pregnant thanks to that sperm, but after wearing a condom, it can’t be effective at preventing pregnancy˳

It’s also a reason birth control fails˳ In addition, there is another reason that even if a condom is used correctly but taken out incorrectly, a woman can still get pregnant˳ Doctor Phat explained, while the “little boy” is erect, the condom is still closed, but when the “little penis” is finished ejaculating, it will soften, the outer ring of the condom may be a gap˳ When removed, the condom may move, the amount of semen may leak out˳

This is the second leading cause of birth control failure˳ However, many men do not understand these reasons˳ They insist that “when I ejaculated I put on a condom”, forgetting that when they did not wear a condom, “the bullet was already in the battle” or when taking the condom incorrectly˳

Contraception – a series of stories

Doctor Nguyen Thi Sa Giang, deputy head of family planning department at Hung Vuong Hospital, said that in the past, IUD was chosen by many women to prevent pregnancy, but in the last three years many young women tend to choose method of implantation to prevent pregnancy˳

A small rod is implanted in the woman’s hand by a doctor, and it works to prevent pregnancy for three years˳ The method of implantation is as simple as injecting a pill, the drug in the rod will release itself every day to do the job of preventing pregnancy˳

According to Dr˳ Sa Giang, no matter what birth control method is used, there is still a failure rate˳ Recently, two hospitals reported a case where the mother had an IUD inserted but was still pregnant˳ The hospital had “fun” by taking a picture of a newborn baby holding an IUD in his hand˳ In some cases, when the ring is placed, the ring is run through the uterus into the abdomen, through the intestines, causing an ectopic pregnancy …

Therefore, for couples who have used birth control and the wife is still pregnant, it is possible that the birth control has failed˳ Any method of birth control has a small failure rate, not to mention the user doing it the wrong way as mentioned above˳

How to wear a condom properly?

According to doctor Nguyen Tan Phat, wearing a condom properly is to wear it right from the beginning, before having sex˳ The bag is not in the middle, easy to cause falling and falling˳ After use, it is necessary to avoid the situation of “stuff” falling out and getting pregnant again˳

How to use condoms to avoid pregnancy problems?How to use condoms to avoid pregnancy problems?

The question of many people who use condoms but still “sticks to the palm”…

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/van-bao-cao-su-va-van-co-thai-20230517231216759˳htm

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