Home News Viral Marketing in the New Millennium

Viral Marketing in the New Millennium

Viral Marketing in the New Millennium

Have you noticed there are more and more widgets, gadgets and other technologies being marketed today than ever and we’re all eating it up? We have to have the latest and greatest˳ What’s with that? Are we just not connected enough? Everything being developed is faster and it’s supposed to save us time when in fact, we’re busier than ever!

With the increasingly popular sites like MySpace, YouTube, flickr, Facebook etc˳ it’s no wonder the world is getting smaller˳ Viral marketing on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular because it targets young consumers who are turning away from the normal channels of advertising˳ Even Time Magazine voted “YOU” as the person of the year˳

Recently Bill Gates said “the next 10 years will bring “extraordinary” changes to the world˳ The digital revolution is proceeding to change the way we live and work”˳ It has already started with telephone networks disappearing and becoming an application of the Internet˳ For example, VOIP or voice over internet protocol has become popular and increasingly new technologies are emerging˳

Technology companies are competing to find the fastest and most effective way for people to communicate˳ Everyone is after a piece of the pie˳

For the past five years, VM Direct and it’s helloWorld products have launched their video products on a single web-based platform, including emailing, blogging, podcasting, social networking, live broadcasting, subscription to RSS feed, posting music, photos and more! Imagine! a one stop shop for all your needs! It does not get better than that!

Whether you’re marketing yourself, your business or sharing of information with family, there is never a better way to do it other than face to face communication˳ This is why video streaming has become so popular and cost effective˳

Keep in mind what your point is, how and who do you want to communicate with in the most effective way? Remember, we all learn and understand differently˳ Interesting facts:

People remember:

10% of what they read

20% of what they hear

30% of what they see

50% of what they see and hear together˳

And 80% of what they see, hear and do˳

55% of a message meaning is derived from facial expression; 38% of a message meaning is derived from gestures, body language etc˳ (source: Dr˳ Mehrablans, Author of the most widely referenced study of Communications)

Start thinking outside the box and start using the technologies available today to increase your business by using face to face technology˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Viral-Marketing-in-the-New-Millennium&id=533883

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