Home Health Infertility in men but attributed to women

Infertility in men but attributed to women

Infertility in men but attributed to women

In fact, there are still many people who think that the cause of infertility and infertility is the wife˳ However, this is an incorrect, under-understood view of the complex issue of infertility˳

Men are often afraid to go to the infertility clinic - Photo: BVCC

Men are often afraid to go to the infertility clinic – Photo: BVCC

The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that the low rate of male infertility may be due to the fact that men often do not have infertility tests (men are shy, embarrassed or often think that infertility is caused by problems)˳ in the wife)˳

Criticizing the wife as the main cause of infertility is incorrect and unfair˳

Doctor Doan Van Loi EM

Shy, embarrassed, attributed to women

According to the WHO definition, infertility is a condition in which a couple who have had sex without contraception are unable to become pregnant naturally for one year˳

A WHO study of 8,500 infertile couples found that the cause of infertility was about 37% of women, 8% of men and 35% of both men and women˳ This study also suggested that the reason for the low rate in men may also be because men are less often examined for infertility˳

Dr˳ Le Vu Tan – andrology department of Binh Dan Hospital (HCMC) – said that the cause of infertility often comes from both sides˳ The rate of infertility in couples is about 15%, of which male infertility accounts for 40%, female infertility accounts for 40%, 10% is caused by both and 10% is unknown˳

  • Concerned about sexually transmitted diseases leading to infertility in men

  • New method developed to test for male infertility

  • Cure male infertility

However, statistics at infertility clinics show that it is always women who are under the most pressure and often go to the doctor first˳

Doctor Doan Van Loi Em – clinical director of 3 Dermatology Hospital (HCMC) – said that infertility can come from many different causes, not only depending on the wife but also related to the whole family˳ husband or both˳

Particularly in women, Dr˳ Em said that sexually transmitted infections can cause infertility in women through inflammatory mechanisms in the uterus and fallopian tubes˳

Prolonged inflammation can cause narrowing of the fibrous tissue, leading to a decrease in the ability of sperm and egg to fertilize˳ In addition, persistent inflammation also releases pro-inflammatory cytokine factors that reduce contractile function to transport the embryo to the uterus and reduce the ability of the embryo to develop˳

According to statistics of the Hospital of Dermatology, the number of female patients visiting the hospital tends to increase gradually˳

Just being female is not fair

Doctor Em said that the problem of infertility and infertility in women can also lie in the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes or endocrine disorders such as ovarian development disorders, menstrual disorders, inflammation˳ persistent infection in the uterus or fallopian tubes, uterus with foreign bodies or polyps, blocked fallopian tubes, and endometriosis…

As for men, Dr˳ Tan said there are a number of comorbidities in men that also lead to infertility˳ Typically problems related to sperm production (varicose veins, undescended testicles…), sexual disorders (erectile dysfunction, ejaculation disorders), genital tract infections, resistance anti-sperm antibodies, testicular cancer, penile cancer, chemotherapy and radiation…

In addition, living environment (chemicals, heavy metals, radiation, excessively hot scrotal temperature due to working environment, habit of hot baths, wearing tight pants), lifestyle and drug use (alcohol, drugs) leaves, stress, depression, weight gain, especially using testosterone in sports)… are also causes of male infertility˳

Besides the cause in each gender, Dr˳ Em added that there are causes in both men and women with the above reasons˳ It is important to identify the cause and find effective treatment to seek medical attention from medical professionals who specialize in infertility and infertility˳

Doctors will examine and conduct tests to comprehensively evaluate both men and women, thereby offering appropriate treatment to improve the ability to conceive and have a successful pregnancy˳

In addition, infertility education and psychological support are also important˳ This helps couples better understand the causes and treatment, reduce stress, and create the best conditions for achieving pregnancy goals˳

Not infertile men are in vitro fertilization

Doctor Le Vu Tan said that the causes of infertility from the husband (weak sperm, few, immobilized or no sperm…) have not been consulted and treated specifically for men to find out the causes and Treat this at the root˳

“Most people only think of infertility as going through in vitro fertilization or sperm injection˳ On the other hand, hospitals or assisted reproductive centers also rarely play a male role in the treatment of infertility in women˳ In the end, couples want to choose IVF quickly,” said Dr˳ Tan˳

Why are sexually transmitted diseases increasing among young people?

Doctor Doan Van Loi Em assessed that sexually transmitted diseases have increased recently because HIV is currently well controlled, so when having sex with a new partner, the issue of using protection is still overlooked˳

In addition, openness in sexual relations and awareness of the importance of treating sexually transmitted diseases are increasingly valued˳

Some groups of people, especially young people, lack knowledge and awareness about the risk of sexually transmitted diseases…

Women with mumps have the same risk of infertility as menWomen with mumps have the same risk of infertility as men

Having mumps can have a huge impact on fertility in both men and women˳ Why are women also at risk of infertility?

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/vo-sinh-o-nam-nhung-gan-cho-nu-20230702224925808˳htm

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