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Vote Yourself Off Someday Island

Vote Yourself Off Someday Island

Yes Someday! I will do that Someday! I hear the word “Someday” all of the time˳ Someday I am going to lose weight (I use to say that every New Year)˳ Someday I am going to start my business˳ Someday I am going to quit my job, travel the world, quit smoking, write that book, sing on stage… live my dreams˳ I know “Someday” I used to live on Someday Island˳

I was going to someday play professional football˳ I was a talented 5’10” 246 pound fullback who ran a 4˳56 40 yard dash˳ In 1995 that was freaking amazing˳ I could block, catch, and run˳ Triple threat running back˳ Maybe you heard of me? Don’t bother looking I never played after high school˳ But someday I was going to be a pro ball player˳ Sadly, I was living on Someday Island˳

Are you living there now? It’s said that the road to someday leads to the town of no where˳ You do end up somewhere just not where you wanted˳ Someday never shows up˳ If your goals are always around the corner you will never reach your destination˳ Don ‘t get stuck on Someday Island˳

The Island Of Excuses

Someday Island also has a nickname and it’s called the Island of Excuses˳ The road to average is paved with intentions˳ 95% of the people with intentions get infected with a disease called “Excusitis”˳ There marriage is bad, their parents didn’t love them, they went to the wrong school, they were too fat, too tall, too skinny, to short, or to _____ fill in the blank˳

Losers make excuses winners make progress˳ The island is not deserted˳ You have friends, family, and coworkers there˳ Most of the time you share your excuses˳ It feels good and misery loves company˳ There are plenty of ways off the island but you never venture towards the loading docks˳

If you want more sales in your business, a bigger list, stronger team, and more cash flow you have to vote yourself off Someday Island˳ Make your way to the loading docks and board that canoe, boat, raft, ship, plane, or helicopter˳ Don’t tell anyone˳ They will throw you a stay on the island party or try to destroy your transportation˳

Here are 4 things to do now to Vote Yourself off Someday Island

1˳Develop Self Discipline – I just finished the book, No More Excuses, by Brian Tracy˳ He gave 21 steps to develop self-discipline in your business and personal life˳ Unless you have a rich relative or just won the lotto there is no ship coming to save you financially˳ The only way to escape the island of average is with work, persistence, diligence, and daily consistent action˳ Average people hate those words˳

Self discipline is the key to success˳ You know it but can you do it everyday˳ Self discipline is the ability to do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you like it or not˳ It’s the willingness to practice the fundamentals of your business everyday˳ You don’t get bored with the fundamentals˳

Athletes train for years to get to the Olympics or to make it to the pros˳ Doctors and lawyers continue to go to school and must practice their profession˳ Entertainers put in the hours rehearsing˳ You need the same discipline in your business˳

2˳ The Path of Least Resistance – People fail in their home business because they always take the path of least resistance˳ It takes time to learn a marketing strategy˳ It takes patience to test your capture pages, funnels, and follow-up systems˳ Sorry there are no push button success systems that promises you wealth without the work˳ The path of least resistance lures you in but it will always lead to failure˳

Yes, you can buy traffic and leads all day long˳ But can you convert? Are you willing to learn a marketing technique and have it make your business profitable˳ People look for the easiest path instead of learning SEO, PPC, Email Marketing, or direct mail˳ Pick 1-3 marketing techniques and master them˳

3˳ The Expediency Factor – The sister of the path of least resistance is the expediency factor˳ People seek the fastest and the easiest way to get the things they want, now, with little or no concern about the future consequences of their behavior˳ Never mind the natural laws of sowing and reaping˳

Average people do what is most expedient and the most fun˳ Not what is necessary˳ This is why you see people jump ship, switch teams, or switch companies because they don’t have the self-discipline to build their business˳

4˳ Time to get Off Someday Island – Self Mastery is the key to get off and stay off Someday Island˳ Plan your escape now and don’t let the waves of the average drive you back to shore˳ Take these steps to vote yourself off Someday Island:

  • Get clear on your vision of how much money you want to make
  • Commit to being in the top 20% of income earners in your industry
  • Invest 3% of your income into personal development and marketing training
  • Commit to Self Mastery
  • Make progress not excuses

Actions Beat Intentions Everyday

Actions beat intentions everyday˳ Action never fails˳ Self Discipline requires daily action and daily actions is the only way to vote yourself off Someday Island˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Vote-Yourself-Off-Someday-Island&id=8493180

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