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Wild bactrian camel

by Kara Rogers

Wild Bactrian, or two-humped, camels (Camelus bactrianus) are extraordinary creatures with a long and fascinating history˳ They have roamed the barren and rocky deserts of China and Mongolia for thousands of years˳ Both Bactrians and their one-humped cousins, the dromedaries (or Arabian camels [C˳ dromedarius], now extinct in the wild), originated in North America between 40 million and 45 million years ago˳ Their divergence from their lamoid relatives—the domestic alpacas and llamas and the wild guanacos and vicunñas—took place about 11 million years ago and was followed by a long migration to southwest Asia, northern Africa, and the Gobi desert˳ The species is named for the ancient Central Asian country of Bactria, which encompassed parts of modern-day Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan˳

Wild Bactrian camels are very rare—at most, 950 remain in the wild, though this number may be much lower, since their broad habitat has made obtaining accurate population counts difficult˳ A number of human factors have contributed to their decline, including hunting for food and sport, as well as nuclear testing and illegal mining activity within their native habitats in Mongolia and China˳ These human-induced reductions have resulted in an increased risk of further decline of wild Bactrian populations from natural causes, such as climate change and predation˳

Two lineages

Recent investigations have indicated that following the migration of Bactrian camels across the Bering Strait and into Asia, the population diverged into two lineages˳ This split is believed to have occurred about 700,000 years ago, with one lineage eventually being domesticated˳ The taming of wild Bactrians to suit human needs is believed to have occurred initially in the Gobi desert, with the process complete possibly by as early as 4000 BCE in China˳ About 1,500 years later, the domestic camels appeared in Bactria˳

The geographic range of domestic Bactrians was tied to the animals’ sse in trade and travel, which significantly influenced the growth of human civilizations across Asia˳ The geographic locations where Bactrians were first domesticated is known from evidence of human use; domestic camels appear to have originally occupied a habitat extending from Bactria, to the western edge of modern-day Gansu province in northwestern China and to the Gobi in north-central China˳ This range overlaps with many of the same areas that were once occupied by their wild counterparts˳ In addition, the geographic isolation of certain domestic Bactrian populations has led to the rise of subspecies of domestic camel˳

The few wild Bactrians remaining today can be divided into subpopulations that exist within just four distinct regions: the Altun mountains in the Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang, in northwestern China; the Great Gobi Strictly Protected Area in Mongolia; the Gaxun Gobi, a region encompassing the western portion of the Gobi desert within China; and the Takla Makan Desert, in west-central China˳ Unfortunately, the subpopulation previously reported in the Takla Makan is now suspected to be extinct, since wild Bactrians have not been sighted there for some time˳

Today, despite the listing of wild Bactrians as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), they are disappearing at an alarming rate˳ About 20 are killed each year in China for human subsistence, and in Mongolia, another 25 to 30 are killed annually by humans and natural predators˳ At this pace, wild Bactrians, which have a life span of 40 to 50 years, will go extinct within two or three generations˳

The human-induced decline of wild Bactrians has increased their susceptibility to nature˳ Even though wild Bactrians, with their fat-storing humps and dehydration-preventing kidneys, are magnificently adapted to the harsh climate of their habitat, in reduced numbers they represent a diminutive match for the powerful combination of drought and predation˳ As little as four inches of precipitation may fall in the Gobi in an entire year, and in years of exceptionally low rainfall, the remaining small groups of wild Bactrians are forced to return repeatedly to the same sources of water˳ Gathering around these oases are the camels’ primary predators, wolves, which lie in wait for easy kills˳ When the camels existed in large populations, such predatory behavior was less threatening˳ There was safety in large numbers˳

Protected areas for the last wild camels

Wild Bactrians are the last of the wild camels˳ Establishing areas where they can exist free from anthropogenic (human-created) threats is of high importance˳ Ironically, the Lop Nur region of the Gaxun Gobi, which was the site of nuclear testing in the 1950s, is now home to the Lop Nur Nature Sanctuary, the only major area of protection for wild Bactrians in China˳ In Mongolia, the primary reserve for wild camels is the Great Gobi Strictly Protected Area, located in the southwest region of the country˳ The Great Gobi is one of the largest biosphere reserves in the world, covering a total area of about 13˳1 million acres˳

However, not even the sweeping expanse of the Great Gobi Strictly Protected Area is safe for wild Bactrians˳ Humans have been trespassing onto the reserve in pursuit of gold, even though it is illegal to mine within the reserve’s boundaries˳ Conservationists fear that the trespassers are killing the wild camels for food˳ Mining activity also may be forcing the migration of wild camels out of Mongolia and into China˳ The lack of protected areas in China near the Mongolia border means that wild Bactrians are at risk of subsistence hunting and other human activities˳ Organizations such as the Wild Camel Protection Foundation (WCPF) are pushing for the establishment of protected areas within China˳

Preserving the genetics of wild Bactrians

The protection of wild Bactrians also extends to maintaining the unique genetic lineage of the animals, since wild Bactrians originated from an ancestor distinct from that of domestic camels˳ In addition, despite the fact that wild and domestic Bactrians have been exposed to the same extreme climate of the deserts of Mongolia and China for millennia, the two groups differ in important ways˳ Wild Bactrians are smaller and are more slender than domestic Bactrians, and they have sand-colored coats, as opposed to the dark brown coat that is characteristic of the domestic camels˳ Wild Bactrians also are known to drink a thick saltwater substance that their domestic counterparts refuse to drink˳ This suggests that there exist significant differences in the internal physiology of wild and domestic camels˳

Human pressures, compounded by natural factors, have forced wild camels to live nearer to groups of domestic camels traveling together (known as caravans), which has placed the distinct genetic traits of the wild camels at risk because the two groups may interbreed˳ Fortunately, there is still time to preserve the genetic uniqueness of wild Bactrians, which can be accomplished in several ways, including eliminating opportunities for interbreeding and establishing captive breeding programs, such as the program run by the WCPF in Mongolia, within the Great Gobi reserve˳

The finding that wild and domestic Bactrian camels truly are genetically distinct animals is recent and settles an issue that had been debated for decades˳ It is hoped that a greater awareness of the uniqueness of wild Bactrians will contribute to the advancement of conservation efforts˳

Image: Young domestic Bactrian camels in winter steppe, Kyrgyzstan-© Noo/Shutterstock˳com˳

To Learn More

  • National Geographic profile of Bactrian camels
  • BBC Earth News article
  • Information from EDGE (Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered)
  • Bactrian camel EDGE blog
  • Scientific paper on the genetic origin of the Bactrian camel (Animal Genetics 40: 4 [377-382])
  • Entry for the wild Bactrian camel on the Red List of Threatened Species, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)
  • Origins of domestic camels and other facts from the Carnegie Museum of Natural History

How Can I Help?

  • Donate to the IUCN to help preserve Red Listed species
  • Help the Wild Camel Protection Foundation with a donation, or sponsor a wild camel
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