Home News Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercise

Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercise

Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercise

Only 20% of college graduates know their 3-pound coconut is fueled

by blood sugar (glucose) and oxygen˳ How many know about 25%

of all the oxygen we inhale is required by our brain?

And when we study, learn and remember, our left-and right hemispheres

must have an additional 10% fuel˳ Not eating breakfast causes early fatigue

and a lowering of our cognitive skills; lousy grades on exams too˳

What Helps

A glass of orange juice produces the glucose, and a quickie breathing exercise

provides the extra oxygen˳ Research using fMRIs offers proof of an excitement (electrical activity) of our prefrontal lobes, (Broca and Wernicke areas) for learning, analysis and information processing by these supplemental doses of oxygen˳

Alternate Nostril Breathing

Review: your left hemisphere controls the right-half of your body, and righty runs

the left half of your corpus˳ It is reversed because of chiasma (crossing over),

also known as decussation˳

You got two-nostrils and breathing exclusively through your left-nostril accesses your right-hemisphere (brain), and exclusively breathing through your right-nostril awakens your left-hemisphere (brain)˳

Finally, your left-brain (right-half of body) specializes in verbal skills including language, speech, logic (math) and reason˳ Your right-brain (left-half of your body)

runs your instincts and emotions, pattern-recognition and spatial skills˳

Profound statement: electrical activity of the brain is greater on the side opposite

the inhaling nostril˳

Two-Minute Exercise

a) Please sit with your feet flat on the floor and relax˳

b) Close your eyes and close off your right nostril using the side of your right thumb and inhale through your left nostril only˳

c) Inhale slowly to a count of four and hold your breath until you

switch hands and close off your left nostril (with your left thumb) and exhale (slowly) to a count of eight through your right nostril˳

d) Now use your left thumb to close off your left nostril and inhale to a

count of four through your right nostril˳ Hold your breath and switch hands to close your right nostril and exhale to a count of eight through your left nostril˳

e) Open your eyes, stand up and repeat this exercise four more times

for each nostril˳

Repeat this exercise (left and right nostrils) a total of eight times for each nostril in order to oxygenate both hemispheres for synchronization (in sync)˳ Balancing your

two hemispheres produces deep relaxation and elimination of stress, and an alignment between cognitive functioning and optimal motivation (emotion)˳

When should you do the Alternate Nostril exercise?

Answer: before studying, prior to an exam, and ten-minutes before sitting for

an interview or making a verbal presentation˳

Does it work?

Feedback from thousands of graduates recommend the alternate nostril breathing

exercise to their children, associates and Speedlearners˳ To install it as a habit

spend two-minutes daily for 21 consecutive days; it is well-worth the effort˳


In the brain is a neurotransmitter called dopamine; it is a chemical messenger similar to adrenaline exciting the Sympathetic Nervous System˳ So what?

It causes emotional responses, controls movement and the ability to experience

pleasure˳ Dopamine is directly involved in our ability to become motivated and

seek rewards˳ Want better learning and long term memory? Activate dopamine˳

Humans have two core principles – seek pleasure and avoid pain; it is how we are

hardwired˳ Studying, learning and memory occur because we are seeking a reward

following our interests or curiosity, or to avoid punishment (failure)˳

Speedlearning students are interested in dopamine because we know that effort actually creates ability˳ We are not hardwired with an IQ at birth, it expands with


It is our will power (effort) exhibited in determination and persistence toward a goal

that decides our abilities˳ If you excite your brain to seek a learning goal, it must

be motivated with a purpose (reward, pay-off) or it slacks off˳ Your abilities expand through effort and contracts with inactivity˳


In school your personal expectations control up to 34% of the final result˳ If you think you cannot, you will be proven right; those who come to learn with a powerful

expectation will often experience it beyond the explainable˳

Fifty years of research indicates the expectation of your instructor with regard to your learning success is emotionally transferred to your mind˳ Your own beliefs about your capabilities and the amount of your effort to succeed propel your grades and exam results˳

Personal beliefs and expectations about your ability to excel, help produce up to 49% of your final result˳ It is not our opinion, but based on neuro-scientific studies beginning in the 1980s to date˳

If you believe you supposed to offer your opinion and judgment, ask questions of the instructor, and be critical of generalizations, you will engage your brain in learning and not daydream˳

Social proof is following the example of folks around you˳ We are more comfortable

with conformity than being unique when in learning situations˳ Believing in the ability of your intelligence to expand (develop) based on the experience is not only a fact, but the prerequisite for personal IQ growth˳


Calvin Coolidge, 30th U˳S˳ President said, We all require pig-headed persistence and

determination in the face of stubborn resistance and adversity˳ We believe it is

the power of your mental force (will power and effort) that permits you to triumph

or fall under the ax˳

Your innate intelligence may not kick in until you push hard and smash it in the slats a few times˳ Often we must fear the consequences to activate our Effort (volition)˳ A business truism is the fear of loss is greater than the desire for profit˳

Everyone needs his or her own toolkit of how to learn plus the ability and effort to succeed˳ Your ability is a brain filled with skills constantly expanding through use (use it or lose it)˳ No effort, no improved abilities˳ Effort and ability are twins that must be equally nourished˳

If you believe in UFOs it is not a sign of instability, but non-conformity˳ If you think UFOs are a parody from Saturday Night Live, based on your critical thinking (no evidence after sixty years), you are exercising your brain˳

Both results indicate conscious analysis based on your abilities and effort˳ It is not what you think; it is that you expect answers you can produce˳ Remember the team of effort, ability and positive expectation˳ They form your beliefs and produce the results˳

See ya,


Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Alternate-Nostril-Breathing-Exercise&id=447329

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