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How To Video Marketing

How To Video Marketing

With the growth of the internet and technology, videos have increasingly become a more powerful tool in getting more leads and growing one’s business˳

The commercialization of video editing tools and ease of sharing videos via video sharing sites such as YouTube has made the growth of the video industry explode rapidly˳

Currently, it doesn’t matter if you are a small-time marketer or a corporate giant, you stand lots of gain through leveraging on videos to grow your business˳

The trends of internet marketing have always been evolving˳ Back then, it was article marketing˳ Then came the paid advertising era of PPC and PPV˳ Today, we have Video Marketing˳

What is video marketing? Video marketing is the art of using videos to market and grow your business˳ This could be in the form of using videos for getting leads, building traffic or selling a video product˳

Video marketing is great because it has the ability to grow virally˳ Viral marketing as in it spreads as fast and as widely as a biological virus, but in the marketing sense˳ This can help you reach a wide audience in a short amount of time and at a low cost˳

People love watching videos, so much more because you can incorporate visual and audio elements which can excite emotions and make content interesting˳ E-books are so yesterday and have a hard time keeping up with videos which have been getting better and better˳

One of the most useful sites out there is YouTube – The world’s largest video sharing site˳ We shall look into the power of YouTube in the next section˳

The Power of YouTube

As mentioned earlier, YouTube is the world’s largest video sharing website˳ Why are they called video sharing sites? It’s because everyone who uploads videos are like a TV channel of their own – You can get subscribers and people who watch your videos can freely share it with others through a wide variety of social media sharing tools available˳

The popularity of YouTube has exploded, and businesses, big or small stand a lot to gain by tapping into this phenomenon˳

YouTube allows you to upload videos for free, and if your videos meet their standards they will offer you a director’s status, where you can post up videos longer than 10 minutes˳

One good thing about YouTube, is that you can post descriptions down at the bottom box of your videos˳ This allows you to draw traffic to your website and write descriptions about your videos˳

YouTube also has that added benefit of being owned by Google, the largest search engine in the world˳ Because of that, YouTubes videos rank highly on Google, and you can draw tons of traffic by targeting keywords with high search volume and are related to your niche˳

We have seen the potential of YouTube – Huge user base, easy to upload videos and easy to share them as well˳

Here’s how you start marketing your business using YouTube:

1) Create a video worth of valuable content related to your niche

2) Make sure there’s a call to action at the end of the video

3) Upload your video to YouTube

4) Add a description below each video

5)Be sure to include a link to your website (traffic drawing purposes)

6) Share your videos with your target audience

Remember, a very important part of video marketing is the sharing component˳ Get your subscribers or followers to share your videos with others to get more views˳ The more views you get, the higher your video will be ranked˳

Videos with higher rank will usually be featured in YouTube’s channel listings and this will further garner you more views˳

Basic Tools For Video Marketing

Let’s look into some simple tools for creating videos for marketing purposes˳ One of my favorite combinations is Microsoft Powerpoint + Camstasia˳

Microsoft Powerpoint allows you to create video content through slides, animations and sound effects˳ Camstasia allows you to record a screen capture, so when you play your slides in real time, you can record every single thing that is happening˳

Combo-ed with some cool music, you can make powerful informative videos which your customer base will like˳

Camstasia also allows you to edit your videos with basic features such as audio editing, slide transitions etc˳ Post video production is followed by uploading to YouTube, all can be done instantly via Camstasia˳

Last but not least, you will need to sign up for a YouTube account before you can start uploading videos˳

In short, these tools will help you create simple yet powerful videos for getting traffic and customers, as long as you have good content that your target market would enjoy˳

Videos are a great powerful tool for helping you grow your online business in many aspects˳

Rome wasn’t built in a day, the same way traffic doesn’t happen in an instant˳ However, if you diligently practice these video marketing methods, your business will surely have a lot to gain˳

The best way to build a budding business online is to leverage not just on videos, but on as many marketing methods as well such as article marketing, SEO and paid advertising˳

Once you have found what works best for your business, replicate and multiply your efforts and in no time you’ve built yourself a solid business empire streaming with thousands of followers˳

I wish you all the best in your video marketing, and your online business journey!

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?How-To-Video-Marketing&id=10313278

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