Home News Lead Generation – The Number 1 Secret to Building Your List Online

Lead Generation – The Number 1 Secret to Building Your List Online

Lead Generation - The Number 1 Secret to Building Your List Online

Are you getting frustrated trying to generate leads to build your business online?

I know how you feel˳ No doubt, you have heard The Money Is In The List… build your list to build your business˳ But exactly how to you generate leads and build your list on the Internet?

I have a secret for you… there are at least a thousand ways to generate leads online, and most of them are not worth the effort˳ However, here are the top 6 ways to generate leads and market on today’s Internet:

1˳ Article Marketing

2˳ Forums and Blogs

3˳ eBay Classifieds

4˳ Press Releases

5˳ PPC marketing

6˳ Joint Ventures

WARNING: Everyone is hung up on lead generation, but all lead generation and list building techniques are basically worthless unless you have a way to capture your leads and follow up with them automatically˳

The best way to capture leads is with a squeeze page˳ A squeeze page is a website that offers valuable free gifts or services so a prospect will enter his name and email address to join your email list˳ And the best way to automatically communicate with your leads is a good autoresponder which is software that resides on your website server and automatically sends a series of emails according to a schedule you define in advance˳

If you want to build your business and your potential customer list, focus your efforts on the top 6 proven methods for lead generation listed above, and be sure to get the best autoresponder service that meets your business needs˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Lead-Generation—The-Number-1-Secret-to-Building-Your-List-Online&id=3358306

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