Home Health What vaccines should be given to children, young people, the elderly, and...

What vaccines should be given to children, young people, the elderly, and which diseases can be prevented?

What vaccines should be given to children, young people, the elderly, and which diseases can be prevented?

Instead of just vaccinating children and pregnant women as many parents think in the past, vaccination centers now have over 40 types of vaccines, using vaccination for many infectious diseases for many ages˳ year old˳

Vaccination at VNVC . Immunization System

Vaccination at VNVC ˳ Immunization System

Among the more than 40 vaccines currently available, there are very new vaccines such as vaccines for infectious syndrome, meningitis, pneumonia; To prevent cervical cancer caused by the HPV virus, there may be a vaccine for hand, foot and mouth disease and many other vaccines in the near future˳

Therefore, the concept of “vaccination” has changed, in the past people still thought that only children should be vaccinated, today there are many vaccines for adults, the elderly, children, pregnant women˳ , adolescents and young adults˳

Since the age at which vaccination is required has changed, which vaccines should be given to which age group? How effective is the vaccination? After injection, how to take care to ensure safety is a question many people care about˳

To answer the questions readers care about vaccines and vaccinations, the newspaper Youth and VNVC ˳ vaccination system organize an online seminar and exchange “Safe vaccination and public awareness”, from 9-11am on July 10˳

Right now, readers with questions about vaccination safety, available vaccines, vaccination schedule, vaccines to be injected… can be sent to our guests, via email tiemngua@ tuoitre˳com˳vn˳ The invited guests include:

Dr˳ Dang Thanh Huyen, Deputy Head of National Expanded Immunization Office˳

Dr˳ Luu Thi DungVice Dean of Quality System Management Department, National Institute for Accreditation of Vaccines and Medical Biologicals˳

Dr˳ Dinh Bich Thuyhead of the on-demand medical examination department, National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Doctor Bach Thi Chinhmedical director, VNVC Vaccination Center System

Assoc˳ Prof˳ Dr˳ Pham Quang ThaiDeputy Head of Department of Infectious Disease Control, National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology

The answer will be updated on cocc˳edu˳vn from 9-11am on July 10, please read it˳

It took me 6 times to get the first dose of vaccineIt took me 6 times to get the first dose of vaccine

I am a teacher, and I am a priority to be vaccinated against COVID-19 from mid-June 2021˳ In the morning of June 23, 2021, I received a message from the school principal informing me at 3:30 p˳m˳ on the same day that I arrived at the injection site located at Phuoc Thanh Secondary School˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/nhung-vac-xin-nao-can-tiem-cho-tre-em-thanh-nien-nguoi-gia-phong-duoc-nhung-benh-nao-20230702233235046˳htm

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