Home News Three Classes of Guests in Premises Liability

Three Classes of Guests in Premises Liability

Three Classes of Guests in Premises Liability

The owners of both private and commercial properties may be held legally liable for harm that befalls those who are on their premises˳ This is one of the reasons that it is so important for you to hold an active homeowner’s, renter’s, or tenant’s insurance policy˳ But if you are seriously injured, the monetary limits on the property owner’s coverage may not fully address your medical expenses and other damages to which you are entitled˳ It is in this instance that you may be able to pursue a legal action against a negligent property owner under premises liability law˳

For the sake of legal arguments, there are three different classes of so-called guests in a premises liability case, and your legal rights are substantially determined by which class you belonged to during the course of your injurious visit˳ This is an aspect of the case that is likely to be disputed if there is any grey area, with the defendant in the claim arguing that you were there in a capacity for which they will bear less responsibility˳ An experienced legal representative on your side can help to ensure that your rights are properly preserved in the face of such baseless challenges˳

Understanding the Distinctions

On some level the distinctions between the classes of guests are intuitive, but the terminology can get confusing if you are unfamiliar with the legal jargon˳ The property owner or insurance company may initially move to offer you a settlement if you are hurt, but the language of any legal document or proposed settlement agreement is apt to be densely worded and to contain tightly crafted legalese˳ It is a good idea to consult with an attorney before signing any legally binding document, but especially so in this case because a settlement offer will always be designed to serve the interests of the other party and not your own˳

The three classes of guests and some of their characteristics are:

Invitees – this is the class of guests to whom property owners owe the greatest security, as these are the clients, prospective clients, or partners of business establishments including retail stores, amusement parks, and commercial offices

Licensees – are persons who are invited onto the premises for non-business purposes, such as a social function or as a houseguest

Trespassers – uninvited or unwanted people who enter a property without approval, but may still be able to pursue a legal action if extreme property owner negligence is found

For Further Information

If you have been hurt because of the circumstances on another’s property, whether due to negligent maintenance or another cause, then speaking with an attorney can help you to protect your rights˳ Contact the Des Moines premises liability lawyers of LaMarca & Landry, PC, for further information˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Three-Classes-of-Guests-in-Premises-Liability&id=2743431

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